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Cellular Physiology and Biophysics

Team Leader

Activity and fields of competence

  1. Biophysics and regulation of potassium ion channels and calcium-permeable ion channels
  2. Migration of neurons and glial cells, calcium signals and neuron-glia interactions
  3. Control mechanisms of calcium homeostasis.
  4. Deregulation of calcium homeostasis in Alzheimer's disease
  5. Role of calcineurin in the physiology and pathology of astrocytes.
  6. Neurotoxicity and ionic signals induced by TiO2 and SiO2 nanoparticles
  7. Pathophysiological mechanisms in chemotherapy-induced neuropathy.
  8. Regulation of purinergic receptors in tumour angiogenesis.

ERC Sector

LS5, LS3, LS1, LS2

Team Members

  • RUFFINATTI Alessandro Federico, DSF, post-doc scholarship researcher
  • DIONISI Marianna, DSF, scholarship researcher
  • LIM Dmtry
  • ROCCHIO Francesca
  • STEVANO Alessio, DSF, scholarship researcher

Last modified 15 July 2022